We produce genetic starter material; fish eggs with strong genetics that provide a very robust and healthy fish that performs well.
We take care of and refine the Norwegian code - the oldest scientific breeding program for Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.
Advanced genomics and research on growth, disease resistance, quality, and an increasingly sustainable aquaculture.
Our story
The Norwegian code and the oldest scientific breeding programs for Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are cared for by AquaGen AS. This is a commitment. Preserving the unique starting point for creating a healthy and sustainable aquaculture is a mission we carry with pride and responsibility.

Meet the people
With us, you get to experience the whole finely tuned value chain in aquaculture – from advanced genetics to practical production of broodstock fish and eggs, which in turn are grown into food fish for human consumption by skilled fish farmers all over the world.
Global business
Our high-tech broodstock production facilities in Norway, Scotland and Chile produce eggs for farmers all over the world who grow them further to delicate food fish and millions of healthy meals – every day.

Certificates and declarations
All our broodstock fish and eggs are produced in accordance with recognized, certified quality procedures for fish health, animal welfare and sustainability.
AquaGen Norway

GLOBALG.A.P. (Global Good Agricultural Practice) is an international standard that meets requirements in food safety, environmental protection, fish welfare and health, as well as employee safety and welfare (GRASP). This is a comprehensive standard that ensures the consumer that the production is carried out according to strictly defined criteria.
For more information regarding certificate, see GLOBAL.G.A.P database

Debio is a certification for organic aquaculture where consideration for the environment, well-being and good health of farmed fish is taken extra care of. This means that infectious agents, parasites, and medicine residues should not affect wild organisms. The density of fish should not cause behaviors such as stress or fin biting/injuries and the fish should have the opportunity to form shoals. The raw materials for the feed are from organic farming or off-cuttings from sustainable fisheries.

The European Forum for Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) has drawn up a code for good practice in animal breeding, including fish breeding, and reproduction (Code-EFABAR). The certification ensures that the breeding work is carried out in accordance with recognized breeding and animal ethics principles.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001 is a standard for quality management. The standard sets requirements for identifying, managing, measuring, and continuously improving processes in the company.

GMO Declaration
AquaGen AS confirms that eggs from our breeding facilities and from our partners has not undergone any form of genetic modification.

Report in accordance with the Transparancy act
AquaGen Scotland

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
RSPCA Assured is the RSPCA’s not-for-profit farm animal welfare assurance scheme. All farms on the RSPCA Assured scheme must comply with the RSPCA’s stringent higher welfare standards. These standards cover every aspect of the animals’ lives from birth through to slaughter. Farms on the RSPCA Assured scheme are assessed and monitored regularly by trained RSPCA assessors to ensure all the animals are raised to the RSPCA’s strict higher welfare standards.

The European Forum for Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) has drawn up a code for good practice in animal breeding, including fish breeding, and reproduction (Code-EFABAR). The certification ensures that the breeding work is carried out in accordance with recognized breeding and animal ethics principles.

Code of Good Practice certificate for broodstock
Introduction as above. The Code for Broodstock covers the specific management of broodstock sites and refers to provisions additional to relevant freshwater and seawater criteria.

Code of Good Practice certificate for Headquarters
The Code of Good Practice for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture (the Code) covers the production of all types of finfish farm-raised in Scotland and underpins every aspect of the farming process. The Code was introduced in 2006 and is independently audited. Companies subscribing to the code and audited by trained assessors to ensure compliance on an annual basis. The Code for Headquarters covers provisions relevant to company-wide policies and operations.

GMO Declaration
AquaGen AS confirms that eggs from our breeding facilities and from our partners has not undergone any form of genetic modification.

Report in accordance with the Transparancy act

Tax strategy – UK
The AquaGen Group is committed to full compliance with all statutory obligations and full disclosure to relevant tax authorities. The AquaGen Group’s tax affairs are managed in a way which takes into account the group’s wider corporate reputation in line with the AquaGen Group’s overall high standards of governance.
EW Group
AquaGen is 100% owned by EW Group, a family-owned strategic holding company with international operations in the field of breeding, genetics, pharmaceuticals, and nutrition related to the global agriculture and aquaculture industries. EW Group employs 12,500 people across 160 subsidiaries in more than 30 countries.